2012 - 2013
Work by Resources and Energy are Squatex Inc., from 2011, mainly focused on conventional targets in its permits Low St-Lawrence / Gaspé Peninsula.
Using the results of stratigraphic wells drilled between 2010 and 2011 and AVO seismic reprocessing, Resources and Energy Squatex Inc. decided to use the same stratigraphic drilling processes, for a complete stratigraphic column basin Siluro-Devonian in Ste-Jeanne d'Arc sector.
The first hole drilled, is the Massé No1. He began the fall of 2012 for completion in summer 2013. This deep drilling 1874m showed serious gas shows.
The first results of this stratigraphic drilling were published in our press release of 15th November 2013.
In the summer of 2013, Squatex Resources and Energy Inc. also conducted a stratigraphic drilling in the Municipality of Sayabec. To do this, we used for the first time in Quebec, a closed circulation system for the mud on a mining drill. The purpose of this less deep drilling (800m) been a complete stratigraphic column Matapédia syncline. This drilling has also provided some gas shows.